Specialists in Financial Auditing, Compliance & Internal Processes

Welcome to IS Assurance
We pride ourselves on our ability to provide high quality assurance services that are transparent, independent and most importantly, value-adding.
Our Director, Irvan Stanley, is a registered company auditor and a registered auditor with the Registered Organisations Commission. He has over 20 years’ experience in assurance services, including 10 years of experience in Big Four accounting firms in Australia and overseas. His past and current experience include audit of ASX listed companies, financial institutions,manufacturing, not for profit organisations, construction company and property management company.
Our Services
Our team comprises of professionals who are capable in providing a wide range of assurance services including performing
Audit Of Company’s Financial Statements
From time to time, entities may employ our services to conduct an audit of their entity’s financial statement. This type of audit would involve review of financial reports and other management reports to form an opinion on whether these reports provide a true reflection of the operations of the entity. The objective of a Financial Report Audit is to enable us to express an independent opinion to members as to whether the Financial Report is prepared, in all material aspects, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Corporations Act 2001.

Audit Of Not For Profit & Associations Financial Statements
From time to time, entities may employ our services to conduct an audit of their entity’s financial statement. This type of audit would involve review of financial reports and other management reports to form an opinion on whether these reports provide a true reflection of the operations of the entity. The objective of a Financial Report Audit is to enable us to express an independent opinion to members as to whether the Financial Report is prepared, in all material aspects, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Corporations Act 2001.
Audit Of Not For Profit & Associations Financial Statements
From time to time, entities may employ our services to conduct an audit of their entity’s financial statement. This type of audit would involve review of financial reports and other management reports to form an opinion on whether these reports provide a true reflection of the operations of the entity. The objective of a Financial Report Audit is to enable us to express an independent opinion to members as to whether the Financial Report is prepared, in all material aspects, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Corporations Act 2001.

Compliance & Non-financial Audit
Some type of business licences certificate holders are required to have their trust accounts or reports being audited
- Audit of a Real Estate Agent
- Settlement Agent Trust Account
- Audit of a Motor Vehicle Dealer Trust Account
- Audit of a Strata Title
- Outgoing Audits

Audit Of An AFSL
Australian Financial Services Licensees (AFSL) have an obligation under Australian law for ensuring that they comply on an ongoing basis with the requirements of the Financial Services Reform (FSR) Act and the conditions specified in the license. An audit of the AFS Licensee ensures that these obligations are being met, in addition to the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).
Audit Of An AFSL
Australian Financial Services Licensees (AFSL) have an obligation under Australian law for ensuring that they comply on an ongoing basis with the requirements of the Financial Services Reform (FSR) Act and the conditions specified in the license. An audit of the AFS Licensee ensures that these obligations are being met, in addition to the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).

Internal Audit Function
From time to time, entities may employ our services to conduct an internal audit which primarily focuses on the processes and controls surrounding financial reporting. e.g. inventories, payroll, purchase, expense claim and sales. This service particularly suits auditor of organisations or entities that have certain activities or subsidiaries that are located in rural and regional WA areas, where it may be more economical to outsource to local auditor with appropriate qualifications. We work together with our clients to determine the audit service that best suits their requirements.

If you would like to book a free consult with us, please leave your details below and one of our friendly team will be in touch to schedule in a time with you.